My mission is to teach local Southern Arizona youth the proper fundamentals and skills to playing the game of football successfully.
The sport of football, in my opinion, is the greatest sport in the world. It is often misunderstood as a brutal game for dumb jocks. The game of football is one of the best teachers of life skills that are vital to a young person's development of becoming successful not only in the sport of football but in life.
Football teaches valuable skills such as hard work, discipline, dedication, teamwork, setting and achieving goals, facing and overcoming adversity, self-sacrifice, pushing yourself beyond what you think are your limits, handling pressure, time management, concentrating on the task at hand and ignoring distractions, believing in yourself and your abilities, giving every bit of yourself to a cause greater than yourself, and the importance of never giving up no matter how bad the circumstances appear to be.
I have been blessed to have been able to play football at every level from Pop Warner to the National Football League. I have learned basic fundamentals and skills that have helped me achieve success at each level that I have played. It is my passion to pass along whatever knowledge I have gained to help Tucson youth achieve success and maximize their potential whatever level they are playing.
Along with myself will be other coaches who love the game of
football and have played and had success at the collegiate, and professional level. They too will share their knowledge of the fundamentals and skills that have helped them be successful.
In addition to teaching the fundamentals of football, we will also be providing an informative session on earning a college
scholarship and the process of becoming eligible to compete at the collegiate level.
I hope you take advantage of this opportunity and are able to enjoy a rewarding football experience. Thank you very much for your time and I look forward to seeing you there.